Friday, 14 December 2012

Personal Addition; Newtown Shooting.

 I'd just like to post something about this recent shooting. I feel that it is important.

This is absolutely disgusting. There was an elementary school shooting today in Connecticut. 28 people died, 18 being little innocent children. How can one do this? Walk into a school and just shoot so many to death? They had bright futures ahead of them, one could’ve been the next president if they had gotten the chance to merely live out their dream. They were innocent, practically babies if you think about it, They never got to experience the harsh world, they were sheltered and kept under care. Now they’ll never get to experience what this will be like.

Imagine how the deceased parents must feel.
“Hello there, Miss/Mrs./Mr____ I’m sorry, but your child will not be coming home today”
Imagine how their world turned dark. How their blood ran cold as these words start to sink in. Imagine the tears. The pain and suffering and the regret that ran through their heads. Imagine the “What ifs” Imagine how they must feel. Words start to turn to lead as they lose power and cry. Their beautiful child, now dead. Parents should never have to bury their children.

 Imagine how those with children must feel. Imagine how they have to answer the question “What happened to____ (deceased)” as their little child looks up at them with big eyes as you have to explain that a bad man walked into a building that they deemed safe and shot their friends to death. Imagine the tears and having to hold them as they cried, their little bodies pressed against you, beating strong as some parents will never be able to feel that happen again.

Please. Keep this in remembrance.
Rest In Peace, everyone affected by this tragedy.
Dear Lord, 28 angels are coming home today. 

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Bucketlist :)

1.       Compose a song
2.       Get a tattoo
3.       Play hide and seek in Ikea
4.       See the Lion King on Broadway
5.       Marry Alex Gaskarth. Meet All Time Low
6.       Learn Japanese and teach English overseas
7.       Go to an airport, bags packed and just buy a random ticket and go
8.       Sing and play ukulele with Jack Johnson
9.       Meet the cast of Harry Potter
10.   Go to New Zealand and pet a sheep
11.   Sing in front of a huge crowd
12.   Meet the Hemsworths
13.   Swim with Manatees
14.   Get the leading role in a play
15.   Meet Ed Sheeran
16.   Skydive
17.   Have my dad walk me down the aisle
18.   Get to know a killer
19.   Learn to speak Latin
20.   Write a book with Nicholas Sparks
21.   Swim in the dead sea
22.   Have a family
23.   Go to Paris and speak French for an entire day
24.   Be kissed on the top of a Ferris Wheel
25.   Go to every Disney park
26.   Lie under a the stars on the Beach
27.   Spend New Year’s in Hawaii
28.   Learn to love myself
29.   Make a pillow fort
30.   Write a book with John Green
31.   Tell someone how I really feel
32.   Go to the Thames river
33.   Get kissed under a mistletoe
34.   Walk in Memphis
35.   Sing with Michael Buble
36.   Give minor surgery
37.   Visit a haunted house
38.   Get a Harvard sweater
39.   Spend a year in the Philippines
40.   Prove Richard wrong
41.   Let a lantern fly
42.   Attend the Lantern festival in Taiwan
43.   Be a busker at the Forks
44.   Go to Warped Tour
45.   Meet a pen pal in real life
46.   Hug a koala
47.   Visit ever Ivy League school and get a sweatshirt from each one
48.   Watch every episode of Law and Order SVU
49.   See Japan during their Sakura festival
50.   Go to Japan during their Tanabata festival
51.   Work at Disneyland/World as a character
52.   Go to Hawaii and play a ukulele
53.   Audition for a talent show
54.   Walk through a ghost town
55.   Throw a drink at someones face
56.   Receive a promise ring
57.   Be in two places at once
58.   Cover my room in song lyrics, lights and pictures
59.   Slow dance in the pouring rain
60.   Attach a lock to the love bridge
61.   Visit Juliets balcony in Italy
62.   Be about to get onto a plane, leaving somewhere but be chased through the airport by the guy I love
63.   See Acropolis
64.   Go through the Melissani cave on a boat
65.    Attend a masquerade in a ball gown and mask
66.   Send a message in a bottle
67.   Drive an old vintage car
68.   Stay in the Tree House hotel in Costa Rica
69.   Attend an authentic Polynesian Luau
70.   Bury this list in a time capsule and dig it back up in 60 years to cross out what I’ve done.
71. Become more than just a name and a face. 

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Reading & Writing reflection #10

Writing Perspective; writing my twitter fiction was honestly a bit hard. I didn’t like that I couldn’t be as a descriptive as I usually am with stories. Some successes of mine were when I was writing it and found out that everything I wanted to say could fit into the 140 character limit, or when I had a VSS and learnt I could fit it all into one tweet. Some frustrations I had were when I had a really good creative idea for a tweet and realised I couldn’t fit it all into the 140 character limit. I like being really descriptive with my writing but with the limit I had to subtract a lot from what I wanted to say. I learnt a lot about myself as an author like I don’t really like having a limit when writing a short story or that I had to separate what I wanted to say into different tweets because I couldn’t fit it into one. In my opinion, long stories separated into tweets takes away from everything else you usually find in a long story. I didn’t really feel much different about publishing myself on twitter than publishing my work on my blog.

Reading Perspective; I read a bunch of different twitter fictions because I couldn’t find one I could simply get really really into. It just didn’t appeal to me at all, so I went and explored my classmates twitter. From our class, I read the twitter fiction of Jacqueline, Taylor and Christie because I usually enjoy the things that they publish onto their blogs. They’re really amazing writers. One thing that really surprised me was when I went to go read Christies tweets. She wrote a long extended story that was nothing like her at all. It was a nice surprise.

About Twitter; This assignment didn’t really change my perspective of twitter because I use twitter every day and it didn’t feel that much different, other than the frustration with the 140 characters. I don’t really have another idea for how we could use twitter.