I'd just like to post something about this recent shooting. I feel that it is important.
This is absolutely disgusting. There was an elementary school
shooting today in Connecticut. 28 people died, 18 being little innocent
children. How can one do this? Walk into a school and just shoot so many
to death? They had bright futures ahead of them, one could’ve been the
next president if they had gotten the chance to merely live out their
dream. They were innocent, practically babies if you think about it,
They never got to experience the harsh world, they were sheltered and
kept under care. Now they’ll never get to experience what this will be
Imagine how the deceased parents must feel.
“Hello there, Miss/Mrs./Mr____ I’m sorry, but your child will not be coming home today”
how their world turned dark. How their blood ran cold as these words
start to sink in. Imagine the tears. The pain and suffering and the
regret that ran through their heads. Imagine the “What ifs” Imagine how
they must feel. Words start to turn to lead as they lose power and cry.
Their beautiful child, now dead. Parents should never have to bury their
Imagine how those with children must feel. Imagine how they have
to answer the question “What happened to____ (deceased)” as their little
child looks up at them with big eyes as you have to explain that a bad
man walked into a building that they deemed safe and shot their friends
to death. Imagine the tears and having to hold them as they cried, their
little bodies pressed against you, beating strong as some parents will
never be able to feel that happen again.
Please. Keep this in remembrance.
Rest In Peace, everyone affected by this tragedy.
Dear Lord, 28 angels are coming home today.
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